meshO live

meshO live is a radio control kit for orienteering. The meshO radios receive punches from controls and send them back to the event computers via a mesh radio network.

The radio punches can be used to:

meshO live creates a reliable, self healing radio network independent of cellular and with no ongoing costs. The system is designed to be simple to use and integrates with existing orienteering event software.


The system consists of these devices:

Each meshO device on the network also extends the network coverage and relays communications between neighbouring units. A meshO Control that can not communicate with meshO Prime directly will connect to the nearest other meshO device on the network to complete the route.

meshO live is flexible enough to start with a single meshO Control placed next to the finish to enhance safety, and extensible to complete coverage of event areas with up to 128 controls for next level commentary and event atmosphere.

Why meshO?

  1. Affordable - each radio is only $299 (not including SportIdent SRR receivers).
  2. Range - using the 900 Mhz radio frequency, meshO has amazing range!
  3. Compact & light - at just approx. 75mm x 105mm (excluding flange) and weighing just 208g the radio device is small, light and easy to carry.
  4. Small antenna - a flexible and light antenna of just 175mm doesn’t need to be detached, making carrying and storing the radios easy.
  5. Power efficient - all radios include a 2000 mAh battery that will provide power for over 24 hours.
  6. Easy to charge - magnetically attaching cables makes it simple to recharges. A 10 port USB charger is included.
  7. Waterproof - the radios are waterproof; the antenna includes double rubber seals, the lid has a rubber gasket, and the magnetic charger socket is glued in place.
  8. Network diagnosis - the kit includes meshO Analysis that discovers all devices in the network and reports signal strength for each connection.
  9. Repairable - each radio is repairable with replaceable batteries, antennas and cables. The cases can be opened easily and all connections can be unplugged.
  10. Simple to operate - a magnetic switch turns the radios on and off; plug meshO Prime in to your event computer and straight away start receiving radio punches. The whole kit comes pre-configured and ready to use.
  11. Convenient - base plates (included in the kit) can be permanently attached to control stands, allowing the radios to quickly and simply attach.
  12. Compatible - has been tested with MeOS, OE12 and O-Lynx. Let us know if you’d like to use meshO with other event software and we’ll do our best to get it working.

Future developments:

meshO live is currently in development and has received a grant from Moira Whiteside Trust